Learn to facilitate the shift from "red flag" communication behaviors into FUNctional SPEECH.


Parents and Caregivers are in the BEST Position to Overcome the Following Common Issues

  • Unable to understand even basic directions or respond when you call their name.
    • Even though they have memorized entire songs and know how to find their favorite videos in a second.
  • Always is stuck pulling you around using nonverbal behavior when they want something.
    • Even after they have learned dozens of names, signs, labels, and/or "I want X" phrases in therapy.
  • "Red Flag" signs such as hand flapping, ear covering, or repetitive speech.
    • Even though they are social, loving, and responsive to family connections.
  • Refused admission school because of inability to follow directions and rules.
    • Even though they learned how to read, play with numbers, or understand multiple languages before 3 years old.

My training videos are designed to answer ALL of your QUESTIONS.

My workshops offer demonstrations of PROVEN STRATEGIES.

You CAN feel EQUIPPED and EMPOWERED to facilitate FUNctional speech and social interaction yourself. 

Click the Images Below for Details.

Join thousands of parents worldwide who have facilitated functional speech changes in weeks. 

Workshop Package (Now including the BONUS Virtual Autism 3-Part Workshop) helps parents learn what to do NOW to reconnect and motivate daily attention and effort to develop new skills and speech. Click the image to learn more about this expanded training.

Workbook helps parents introduce structure and facilitate consistent progress through planned daily activities. Click the image to purchase.

Personal Consultation help parents address unique issues, facilitate through all levels of development, as well as navigate broken health and education systems. Click my picture to learn how to work with me!

Explore Training and Ask Questions for FREE.

I've created a FUNctional PLACE for Natural Facilitators to get the training, information, and SUPPORT you need.

Q&A support member community

Start a New Career with CERTIFICATION.

Professional Caregivers NOW have the Option to Become a CERTIFIED Natural Speech and Behavior Facilitator.

Use this comprehensive training experience to develop a business helping late talkers and their families.

Take your caregiving role to a new level and make TOP PAY in homes and/or inclusive schools.

Get 2 FREE Lessons to See the VALUE You Can Offer