Work with Me and Co-Create the Fastest Progress Toward Functional Speech

No more second-guessing, work with an expert to make sure you get the BEST outcome.


Explore How Consultation WORKS!

You are not alone in your struggle with the everyday reality of trying to find help for a child with speech delay.

    • Evaluators are biased toward ASD diagnosis.
    • Schools are refusing admission to late talkers.
      • Recommended therapies are NOT working.
      • Relationships are struggling due to worry.
  • Tech-addicted children are ignoring parents!
  • Smart kiddos are manipulating caregivers.
  • People are judging you and your child.
  • Bank accounts are drained with no progress!
I Can Help You Solve These Problems for GOOD!

Prove That YOU are the BEST Facilitator for Your Child as you Confidently Facilitate 1% Improvement Every Day.

Your NEW approach with a customized plan full of FUN strategies will unlock your child's BEST development.

Feel Empowered

Know EXACTLY how to work through all of the ups and downs you experience on your journey.

Stay Consistent

Focus on FACILITATING progress with easy and sustainable changes in your daily routine.

Have FUN!

Enjoy EVERY day watching your child grow and develop the FUNctional skills they need for LIFE.

Learn How to Easy it is to Facilitate Improvement


"Marci puts the power in our hands, and makes us realize that the results we see are in direct proportion to the effort we put in.

Marci is direct and honest in her advice.

She's always there to get us back on track when we get distracted looking for a quick fix."


-Chloe and Jon (Facilitator Parents from UK/Spain)

Proven 3-Step Process 

Here's how parents around the world are facilitating faster independent attention, speech and social development than ANY therapy.

Step 1

Find the true root of behaviors and decide to stop interventions that BLOCK your child's independent speech and social behavior.

Step 2

Work with me to create a sustainable plan to motivate everyday speech and behavior facilitation evolution at home.

Step 3

Watch your child start to improve in DAYS and facilitate ongoing 1% progress daily through targeted strategies.

Choose the Amount of Coaching You Need to Feel Confident

Parents Have ALWAYS Been the BEST Facilitators.

What's stopping YOU from changing your child's future?

I've Been Equipping and Empowering Facilitators for More Than 30 Years.

There is no need for ANY diagnosis to see REAL progress in weeks.

I can help YOU facilitate the speech expression and social behavior you have been wishing for without spending your time, money, energy, and patience on evaluations that are not true and therapy that your child doesn't like.

Your child is waiting for YOU to help them shift their nonverbal communication behavior into SPEECH.


The process is EASIER than you think.


I help parents facilitate the natural EVOLUTION of a child's communication from whatever nonverbal communication they are using NOW into speech that they can use successfully.

Parents have been naturally teaching their own children to talk for centuries, but the current healthcare and educational systems are trying to take that power away.

Coaching with me helps YOU learn the RIGHT strategies that make sense for your child to learn the FUNctional speech they need NOW.

First, we learn what you CAN CHANGE NOW by observing how your whole family is communicating today.

My Intuitive Video Analysis highlights the habits and patterns of YOUR everyday communication that are BLOCKING natural speech development.

I will explain exactly WHY your current habits are not working so you will open your mind to CHANGE for BETTER results.

Next, I will offer you NEW strategies to approach your everyday parenting experiences with a facilitator mindset.

I'll help you use my workbook to start and document a new structured plan with customized strategies to respond to your child's nonverbal messages.

You will learn to demonstrate the right WORDS, spoken in the right WAY at just the right TIME to motivate your child as they CHOOSE to systematically replace their behaviors and scripted words with functional spoken language.

Over the 3-Month Experience of my program, you will learn how to monitor your MINDSET and TRUST that your child is learning every day from your NEW conscious, connected speech and social behavior facilitation strategies.

Parenting children, facilitating their development, and navigating broken educational and healthcare systems is a tough job with


Coaching helps you get back on track AND stay the course.

It's very common for parents who are unsure about the process to give up on working with their kids and go back to endless Internet searches for the next best therapy, quick-fix remedy, app, or program to sign your child up for.

Finally, you will watch as behavior shifts into functional speech with your strategies designed to facilitate (at least)

1% improvement EVERY DAY.

You don't have to let yourself get triggered into calling the therapy center if your child fails to respond, flaps their hands, covers their ears, or runs away from your teaching.

Coaching with me helps YOU learn how to use your own natural intuitive connection with your child to effectively respond to every unique communication behavior they use.

And facilitate THEIR CHOICE to shift from behaviors, whining, and tantrums into more functional speech.

You can share your biggest struggles and frustrations with me and receive understanding, support, and guidance.

Stop Wasting Time and Money!

You can NOW receive personal guidance and mindset support from an expert.

Let me help analyze your family's challenges from an outside perspective and offer the RIGHT strategies for the RIGHT plan to facilitate the BEST possible outcome.

Choose the Level of Support You Need.

Start Your Journey with Confidence

Workshop + Intro Consultation


First-Time Clients
  • 60-Minute Online Consultation
  • Full Workshop Access
Uncover Blockages and Activate Functional Progress

Video Analysis Consultation


Identify and Overcome Blockages to Speech
  • Video Analysis 
  • 2-Hour Online Consultation
  • Workbook Guidance
  • Create a Sustainable Plan
Facilitate Better Outcomes for Less Money

6 Month Coaching Package


Installment Payment Option Available
  • Ongoing Video Analysis
  • 2-Hour Initial Plan Meeting
  • Bi-weekly 60-min Video Chat
  • Unlimited Email Support
Language-Based Homeschool Program

*NEW* Homeschool Plan and 3-Month Support


Full Written Plan + 3 Months of Coaching
  • Video Analysis
  • Customized Written Homeschool Plan for Your District
  • Full Online Workshop
  • Bi-Weekly 60-min Video Chat
  • 3-Months of Email Support
Arrange a 6-Hour IN-HOME Consultation When Marci Travels to Your City Explore my Natural Facilitation Q&A Support Community HERE

*Contact Marci Directly by Email to Arrange Intensive Language Facilitation Opportunities.

Marci's Direct Email:

Waves of Communication

“When you say things like - 'Humans are wired for spoken language, your child will speak when he is ready and this is how you can facilitate it, lovingly and without pressure.' I just want to jump into the screen and give you a big hug.
We need to believe that this works, and it works beautifully when we do it right.”

Mom of 5 y/o late talker

Waves of Communication

“Marci taught me the tools to get Charli past the blockages and to help Charli to use her words naturally. And it’s working! It’s working quicker than traditional speech therapy has too! Her speech and confidence has improved. Charli herself has seen an improvement too. So much so she is trying to teach her little sister how to talk!”

Mum of a 10 y/o girl with rare a brain disorder.

Your child is waiting for you to help them give up unhelpful behaviors and learn to USE the FUNctional speech they need.

Stop wasting more time and co-create the RIGHT plan for natural speech to finally emerge.

Invest in the Coaching You Need to Feel Confident