Is your child STUCK in nonverbal communication?

It's up to YOU to overcome the blockages to speech.

20+ Hours of Add-Free Videos

Learn the step-by-step process to MOTIVATE the shift from BEHAVIOR to SPEECH.

My library was created for PARENTS to facilitate more FUNctional progress FASTER.

Learn to use my WORKBOOK.

Self-Analysis Worksheets

Learn exactly what is BLOCKING your child's speech!

A FUNctional MINDSET SHIFT can help you rise above worry and unhelpful distractions to stay CONSISTENT with the RIGHT action plan for your child.

I'm here to HELP!

Members are welcome to post a question anytime you feel overwhelmed or frustrated for a direct response from Marci.

Check out the questions and responses from other parents in the community Q&A FORUM

We understand the struggle that parents of late talkers face daily!

Relating to another parent's journey will help you understand that you are NOT alone!

Get the support you need to navigate (and bypass) broken health and educational systems.

Empower yourself to pressure from family and therapists that insist you label your child in exchange for "help".

  • Waves of Communication

    “My son's teachers and therapists were amazed at how much he learned after I have been working with him. His IEP was thrown out and they started over. Marci is a bridge that allows me the knowledge to teach him myself. We love you, Marci Melzer.”

    Mom from Wisconsin, USA

  • Waves of Communication

    “I used natural facilitation strategies with a little girl at the daycare center who only cried. After 2 weeks... She started babbling, saying words like come... I want... I see you! Thank you so much for all your teachings, Ms. Marci Melzer.”

    Nursery Teaching Assistant, India

  • Waves of Communication

    “My 4-year-old speaks so much more now than after the almost 2 years of therapy he has had. Very helpful information since before, we were waiting on results without doing much on our side. Thank you so much!!”

    Mom from Mexico